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The Joy of Appraising
August 18th, 2008 4:47 PM

Appraising homes as a profession certainly has its benefits.  One of those benefits is not having to be chained behind a desk.  The appraiser can wonder around in ways that most typically-employed people cannot.  Having a camera with me for appraisal purposes allows me to tap into that artistic part of my personality.  I truly enjoy photography and in my spare time I sometimes find myself just wandering around trying to find something visually interesting.  While my typical appraisal subject doesn't necessarily inspire artistic expression, it is fun to have a digital camera with me in case I happen across something that does inspire me.  I'm no expert, but I have fun and enjoy the opportunity to get outside.

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In Meridian, after a long day of appraising, I was returning home and found a fabulous summer sunset.  I just happened to drive past a new commercial development.  The reflection of the sunset on the commercial sign and the new high school football field's lights in the background triggered my photographic eye.


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Near Marsing while out appraising in the spring, I saw this field laborer moving irrigation pipe.  Behind him is a fruit orchard, and then Lizard Butte behind it.


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This old barn is south of Nampa.  I drove past it one cold winter day and saw a cat sitting in the window soaking up the sun.  As I stopped my car and approached the barn, the cat saw me and took off. 


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Again, near Marsing, this is a vineyard in early Spring.  The field worker is on his tractor down one of the rows.


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Downtown Boise at Fort St and 8th St.  This is St. Joseph's Catholic School's facade in the foreground with the spire from the St. Michael's Cathedral in the background.  I really liked the juxtaposition of these features.


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In a subdivision in snowy Kuna, this lonely fire hydrant called to me as I drove past.  I'm sure that I got some interesting glances from residents of this subdivision as I walked and walked and photographed around this hydrant.


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This is downtown Boise from the foothills.  This photo was taken in the late afternoon in the winter with a slight haze.


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While not particularly artistic, this photo proves that the appraiser's life can be very interesting.  I appraised a residential house in Star that had bobcats in the backyard.  This particular male was approachable, but his mother peered at me behind some rocks.  The house owner told me that he had to stay next to me while I did my outside work in the backyard to ensure that the mother cat didn't pounce on me!  Yikes!

Additionally, the appraiser deals with property photos done by people either in a hurry, or...well, let's just stick with being in a hurry.  This photo from the Ada County Assessor's Office makes me laugh.

House Image

Could that be the hand of God?  Really?!


Posted in:General
Posted by Micah-Lawman Cranney on August 18th, 2008 4:47 PMPost a Comment

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